Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to Fit 15 Minutes of TV into Two Hours

To begin this week’s blog, I first want to give a shout-out to all of the new readers who have joined us. Wow! It’s so cool to see where everyone is from. We have people from Australia, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, The Philippines, Japan, England, Brazil, and from 26 states in the US, including Hawaii! Who knew this show was so international? A big thank you to all of you for hitting this blog. I know most of you don’t post anything and are just here to read, but it’s cool anyway to see the little blips on the world map pop up as you all visit the page. I’ve even had people visit from the hometowns of the guys on the show. Please keep letting people know about this and “Like” After the Rose on Facebook if you want even more links and snarky comments.

OK…on to last night’s episode. I think I am going to take a different approach with this week’s blog since last night was basically 15-20 minutes of actual content stretched out over two hours. Could they have repeated things more? I swear if Chris told us he moved back home to be with his mother during her last months, or Ali told us she gave up everything to be here, or Frank told us that something was holding him back from falling completely in love with Ali, I was going to throw a fake oyster at Chris Harrison’s head. Did you ever think you’d miss Kasey saying “guard and protect”?

In case you missed the episode, here’s what went down: Everyone headed to Tahiti so Ali could narrow the three guys down to two. Frank came late because he still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend Nicole back in Chicago and he wanted to talk with her to see about rekindling the old flame. After talking and making out with her, he decides that he is going to choose Nicole and goes to Tahiti to tell Ali. Meanwhile, Ali goes on dates with the other two guys. Both dates seem to go well and both dates end up in the Fantasy Suite. Ali shows up excited for her date with Frank, but he ends up dumping her and telling her he’s choosing Nicole back in Chicago instead. Ali flips out and cries and rubs her face a lot. She wants to have a Rose Ceremony anyway to make sure that Chris and Roberto still choose her. They both accept her rose. That’s the whole thing in a nutshell. See? I can write short summaries too! J

Because of how much repetition there was, I’m going to switch to the “Best and Worst Of” format this week to sum up what went down.

Lamest Props Planted by the Producers to Further a Storyline:


1. The Lion King CD that Roberto had next to his suitcase while he was packing. How bad was it that he saved it for the end of his packing, picked it up with a nostalgic smile, held it just perfectly so the camera could see it, and then placed it right on the top of his suitcase? Puke puke puke. So faked. No one would pack a CD like that, not even a straight guy.

2. The oysters Ali and Chris found on their “private island”. I was already rolling my eyes when the two Massachusetts natives went oyster hunting on the beach. Let’s stereotype everyone from the East Coast, huh? But then the producers take it a bit too far when Chris cracks one open and gets a shocked look on his face as he fishes out…wait for it…a REAL PEARL! Ali shrieks and they merrily start ripping apart oysters on the beach to find more. So faked (The Sequel). If it were that easy to find the oysters in the first place, they all would have been long gone before these two got there. I’m not buying that one second of this pearl hunting was real.

3. Frank going to Nicole’s apartment. They made it seem like he surprised her there, but if that’s the case then why when she opened the door did she not even give a glance towards the cameras? I mean, if you opened your door and your ex was standing there with an entire camera and sound crew, wouldn’t you at least look their way and wonder who the hell they were? And then, without batting an eye, she lets not only Frank in, but also the camera following him. Obviously, she knew they were coming before they even got there. There was zero element of surprise here.

Hottest and Coldest Weather Extremes:

Coldest: Frank walking the mean streets of downtown Chicago on his way to see his ex-girlfriend. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets for all of these shots, and had to bend his body against the wind at some points. If the guys got all decked out in furs and gloves in Iceland, why couldn’t the producers spare some of that for poor Frank in Chicago? I guess they wanted to add to the look of Frank’s general miserableness on his Walk of Shame?

Hottest: Poor Roberto. He got outed as a heavy sweater (not the article of clothing…a person who sweats) on last night’s episode. In almost every scene in Tahiti his shirt is soaked through and sweat is pouring down his temples and forehead. I guess some people are into that, but I just felt bad for Ali having to hug on that warm, sweaty shirt and kiss on all of that sweat everywhere. I hope dude’s got on the extra heavy duty Old Spice or things aren’t going to go so well in the Fantasy Suite. Frank looked sweaty too, but his face is always overly shiny in a greasy way no matter what country he’s in, so I’m going to give this to Roberto. Never let ‘em see you sweat, guys!

Ironic Moment of the Evening:


1. When Frank’s ex opens her door and we see she’s wearing a canary yellow top! Too funny. Do you think the producers had her wear Ali’s favorite color on purpose? I could just picture Ali watching that episode back last night. “Oh I KNOW she’s is NOT wearing MY color!” Better watch out ladies. Ali will cut a bitch.

2. When Ali shows up all perky and happy for her date with Frank, she’s got a bright pink flower tucked behind one ear. But as Frank sits her down and lays out the truth to her, she starts rubbing her face and hair so much that the flower slowly starts to fall out of her hair. She finally just yanks it out altogether. Did anyone else catch the symbolism? Ali has to give up a flower after having given them out this whole season. Deep, huh? (Stick with me here, folks. This is as deep as this show gets, OK?)

Biggest “Calm Before the Storm” Making Us Laugh Moment:

Ali getting off the boat in Tahiti all easy-breezy Cover Girl sassy with her floppy white pants, her flower necklace (do they call them leis in Tahiti?), her big Jackie O sunglasses, and her perky walk. All of her voiceovers at this stage are things like, “Tahiti is the perfect place to fall in love!” and “I believe that one of these three guys is going to be my husband!” but we have seen the previews and know that rough waters lie ahead for our girl Ali. I can’t help but laugh. It’s cool being the omniscient narrator, huh?

Most Overused Piece of Machinery This Season:

The helicopter. It has become such a clichĂ© now on this show. I think helicopters have been involved in every week of this season so far, right? Ali and Roberto take a helicopter ride to their own private island, and while it affords us some pretty amazing views of just how gorgeous Tahiti really is (That water! My god. I just added “Go to Tahiti” to my Bucket List), it’s just getting silly now. Just a few weeks ago, Ali was terrified of flying (remember her flying date with Jake last season?), but now she seems to be miraculously cured. I think they should mix it up a bit. Could they have skydived onto the island? Parasailed? Been shot out of a cannon? Teleported by Scotty? Anything but the boring helicopter.

Lamest Geographical Reference:

Ali and Roberto supposedly visiting a heart-shaped lagoon. That was a heart? Yeah, I guess it kinda, sorta was one, but not really. That was pretty far-fetched and contrived. Did you notice how we never saw the entire thing at the same time? Hmmmm…wonder why?

Biggest “Dude, We SO Applied for the Wrong Show!” Moment:

Anybody who’s ever been on Survivor after they saw the two beach/island/ocean dates that Ali went on with Chris and Roberto. On Survivor they are on islands with yucky critters and bugs, mean, backstabby people, and extreme elements. Chris, Roberto, and Ali get picnic baskets full of food, private white sand beaches, warm, shallow water to make out and frolic in, and no one around for miles to vote them out or steal their canteens. Tough life, huh?

Biggest Continuity Errors:


1. On both nighttime dates, the editing was horrible. As they cut back and forth between the couples chatting, you could see water and wine levels in glasses rise up and down spontaneously and food appear and disappear on plates seemingly without being touched. It just all adds to the “this show is totally staged and edited down to look like something it originally wasn’t” vibe that The Bachelor/ette has.

2. Thanks to my pal in Walnut Creek for pointing this next one out (and thanks for the yummy salad for lunch today too!) As Roberto is packing his suitcase in the hotel room, he is packing a red suitcase. But a few shots later when they show him wheeling his bag out of the hotel and into the back of a cab, it’s a black suitcase. Sigh. The producers aren’t even trying this season, huh?

Worst “We Know This Is a Long, Drawn-Out, Repetitive Show Tonight, So We’re Going To Tease You With Pretend Drama” Moment:

After Ali and Roberto’s daytime date, we go to commercial, but not before we see a preview of what’s coming up after the break. Ali asks Roberto, “Do you feel like you see us together?” and he looks down and doesn’t answer anything. Instead, we get a long, awkward pause. GASP! Is HE going to dump her too like Frank? What does it all mean? I was getting bored, but NOW I want to watch.

Alas, as we come back from the break, Ali asks the same question, but this time Roberto instantly answers, “Of course I do!” Say what?! Where was the awkward pause with him looking down? Where was the uncertainty that he would answer yes? You mean the producers edited that all down to tease us back into watching a really dull, repetitive episode? No way!

Then the producers tease the drama further by showing us Roberto getting all serious and telling Ali that he has something on his mind that he needs to tell her. She immediately gets all bug-eyed assuming it’s something bad, and we hope against hope that what he’s about to say will be drama-filled and heavy – He too has a girlfriend? He farts in his sleep? He’s gay? (Hey! A guy can dream, right?) But, alas again, he just wants to open up and tell her that he’s really falling in love with her. Damn. We get ripped off again.

Biggest “How Did You Apply for This Show Never Having Seen It?” Moment:


1. Roberto and Chris, who apparently have never seen how the romantic tropical dates go. Both of them are shocked that there is a card from Chris Harrison at the end of their nighttime dates with Ali and seem even more surprised that there is a Fantasy Suite waiting for them. These guys have never watched this show before? How is that possible? Chris even looks around expecting Chris Harrison to pop out of the bushes like some crazy Bachelorette nighttime date stalker. I find it really hard to believe that neither guy knew what was coming.

2. After Frank has dumped her, Ali exclaims, “This is the last thing I ever thought would happen!” Um, Ali...have you ever seen this show? Something exactly like this happens every single season. It’s why we watch. We love watching people like you subjected to the miseries of heartache and their own bad choices so we can forget about our own. If you’ve ever seen one episode of this show, Ali, you would have put this whole experience with Frank at the top of your “What I Know Will Happen” list.

Funniest Lines From Chris:

Since our old standbys Krazy Kasey and Kirk have gone by the wayside, it’s been up to Chris these past couple of weeks to fill the “Line of the Night” void left behind. Two of Chris’s lines stood out last night, so we’ll call this one a tie.

1. When he and Ali see each other for the first time on their date, they are at separate ends of a long dock. To meet each other, they have to run and run and run to finally make contact. On his way there, Chris finally asks, “Is this the longest dock EVER?!” which is kind of a commentary for this episode which just seemed to drag on and on.

2. After Ali shows Chris the Fantasy Suite card and says it’s from Chris Harrison, Chris acts all surprised, looks around the bushes for the other Chris, and asks, “Is he gonna jump up in, like, scuba gear and scare me?” Very funny line and perfectly timed.

Most Disappointed People When Frank Breaks It Off With Ali:

Franks parents, when they realize he’s going to be in love with a woman who is a nobody and lives in a one-bedroom studio. Ali is a famous person who probably will be on the next Dancing with the Stars and who would have gotten Frank’s face all over the media before the break-up. I can just picture them begging him, “Please please PLEASE just pull a Vienna and sit in the audience on Dancing with the Stars pretending like you care about her paso dobles and Lindy hops. Just wait until America gets sick of her and votes her out, and then you can dump her and move on to fame and glory.” But, sadly, no dice for Frank’s folks.

Most Common Gesture on Last Night’s Show:

Rubbing faces and eyes. This happened so many times throughout the show that I lost count. I will declare Frank the winner in this category since he not only got face and eye rubbing time in with his ex, but also while he spoke with Chris Harrison about breaking up with Ali AND when he actually broke up with her. Frank’s eyes and temples were getting a serious workout. Ali is a close second. As mentioned earlier, she rubbed her face and hair so much she deflowered herself (is that even possible?).

Biggest “Ouch, That’s Gotta Hurt!” Moment of the Night:


1. While Frank is dumping Ali, he says, “Ali, I’m sorry. You’re perfect in every way. The only difference is with Nicole somehow I had this click.” Oh snap. You just got a compliment and a slap in the face at the same time, Ali. What’re you going to do? Well the only thing a girl knows how to do…fight fire with fire…

2. Ali tells Frank for the 14,638th time that she gave up everything to be here. He says he gave up everything too, but she quickly snaps back, “Apparently not EVERYthing!” and you can hear the legions of Bachelorette fans glued to their screens all going, “Oooooo! She did NOT just say that!” at the same time. Nice comeback, Ali!

Fakest Friend of the Evening:

The host, Chris Harrison. If he called Frank “Man” one more time during their pre-break up conversation, I was going to put Ali’s floppy hat over his face and hold it there while he squirmed. I can’t stand how Chris always is so overly-familiar with all of the contestants, like they’re “bros” who go way back. It so Ryan Seacrest-y and fake.

Next, in his best impersonation of a Massengill Disposable Douche commercial, Chris also sits down next to a crying, heartbroken Ali on the beach and attempts to comfort her as only a true fake friend could. “Sometimes I don’t feel so fresh, Chris,” she laments and he puts his arm around her and hugs her while white stallions gallop through the breaking surf. Or he listens to her while she vents her sadness. One of those two for sure.

Chris always acts all buddy-buddy with the folks on this show, but I’m sure he hates most of them. Then again, he did admit on national television a few weeks ago that he had eaten dinner with Jake and Vienna, so I guess maybe he could really like some of them, which of course makes him as big of a loser as they are, right?

Best Edit of the Night:

For what a crappy thing he did to Ali, Frank certainly came off smelling like a rose (pun intended) last night. Spoiler sites had said that after this episode, Frank would be the most hated man in America (even more than “Rated-R” Justin!), and I was ready to rake him over the coals last night. But in the end, I actually respected him for not going all the way to the end with Ali and for realizing he had stronger feelings for his ex. Yes, he should have bowed out much earlier so other guys with no exes at home could have had more of a chance, but he did what he did. It’s a reality show.

The producers spent a lot of time showing us his mental anguish and turmoil over this whole situation, so when we weren’t projectile vomiting from how mind-numbingly boring this whole plotline became, we actually felt a little sorry for the guy. I’m going to guess there would be plenty of women lining up to take Nicole’s place if they ever split up.

Biggest Fashion Faux Pas of the Evening:

These all go to Ali tonight. First, her bra straps were showing when she wore the outfit on her date with Row-bur-toe. This always just looks trashy and messy. Someone needs to buy her “The Strapper”. Has anyone seen that infomercial? The little plastic thing you can put on your back between your bra straps to pull them in so they don’t always hang out? Look into it, Ali, before a tramp stamp suddenly appears on your lower back.

Another fashion miss occurred later on her date with Roberto when she was wearing a sheer, white top with a yellow bikini under it. She looked great once the white top came off, but before it did she looked like she had two giant, fluorescent yellow fried eggs plastered over her boobs. It gave new meaning to the terms “over easy” (Wait for it..wait for it. There!)

I know they are probably cool and trendy and perfect for a passionate tropical date, but those big, floppy white pants that Ali had on during her date with Chris were just stupid. No wonder her hips looked so wide in them – she probably had about fifty pounds of sand and driftwood collected in there from the pants having been dragged around the topography of Tahiti for a whole day and night. No one needs pants that big even if they do emphasize the breezy, casual feel of the islands.

Lastly, when she’s talking to Chris Harrison before the Rose Ceremony, Ali had another giant flower in her hair. In keeping with the ovo theme this evening, it’s a white flower with a big, yellow center, so it again looks like she has attached a fried egg to her body. Watch out for birds during the ceremony, Ali. They might want their babies back.

Fashion Ups for the Evening:

Chris did a complete 180 at the Rose Ceremony this week! In prior weeks, he showed up to this pretty formal event sans tie and usually wearing Nikes. This week, in the more casual setting where you would expect shorts and flip-flops, he actually wore a pressed dress shirt! Ups for going the Dapper Dan route.

And since I gave her a few digs in the previous section, I will give Ali ups for two dresses she wore. The first up is for the mini dress with flowers on the straps going over her boobs. The dress was too loose on her, but it was a really pretty design and she looked cute in it. The second up is for the flowing mu mu-style dress she wore at the Rose Ceremony. This felt more appropriate for the breezy island feel than those pants I mentioned earlier. This dress had beautiful colors and felt formal and casual at the same time. Excellent choice.

Biggest “Read Between the Lines” Moment:

In the previews for next week, if you were watching really carefully, you got a hint of how this season will all end up. First, for this entire season we have never seen a shot of what Ali looks like at the finale rose ceremony when one guy will supposedly propose. In every other season we have always seen multiple shots of this and it’s always grist for the rumor mill of who wins as the producers only show us a hand or finger of the winner and fans try to figure out to which contestant the appendages are attached. Nothing like that has been shown this season so far.

Well, last night we finally got a shot of Ali standing out on a platform holding the last rose, but we never saw either of the guys preparing to go meet her. No fingers, no feet, no appendages of any sort. Hmmmmm…..wonder what THAT could mean?

Second, in a voiceover, Chris Harrison tells us that the finale in two weeks will be, “…the most dramatic season finale in Bachelorette history!” Those who watch this show over and over rolled their eyes because we’ve seen every sort of finale possible – the villain wins, the sweet one wins, no one wins, the winner turns down the proposal, the winner is really the opposite gender, the winner is an alien, the winner keeps bodies buried in the backyard – we’ve seen it all. So we blow off this voiceover as more Bachelorette hype designed to tease us to tune in. However, you have to pay close attention to Chris’s wording here. We saw all of that on The Bachelor, not The Bachelorette. That means that any of those scenarios could repeat and it would indeed be the most dramatic season finale for The Bachelorette, since technically that is a different show. Tricky, huh?

Biggest, “Um…Are You Sure You Really Want to Date This Chick, Roberto? It Seems Like She Has Mad Axe-Murderer Skills, Dude…” Moment:

In keeping with the Lorena Bobbit theme that Ali began in Portugal serving a severed sausage to Roberto, Ali again shows us her hacking skills in Tahiti. In the closing credits, Roberto is trying to hack open a coconut with a machete during his island date with Ali. He takes a few swipes and can’t get it open and tells Ali he wishes he had listened better to his dad when his dad showed him how to do it.

Next we see Ali take over the chopping while Roberto stands back and gapes at her pounding the hell out of the coconut with the machete. The producers even pipe in scary Psycho-sounding music to really push home the point that no one should screw with Ali. Frank watched this scene back and closed his legs and hunched over in Nicole’s one-room studio back in Chicago, right? We even see that after she’s done with the hack job, the machete is permanently wedged into the coconut. Even former baseball player and current stud muffin Roberto can’t dislodge it. "Don’t screw with canary yellow-wearing single chicks from San Francisco but really from Massachusetts!" is clearly the message here. Fade to black. You’ve all been warned, gentlemen…

All right, that about wraps it up for this week. To finish up, I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that I won’t be here to blog about the next two episodes – The Men Tell All and the season finale. I know it’s really bad timing, but family obligations call. I promise that I will get caught up and put up one big posting about both of them a few days after the finale. I hope my loyal readers will understand and will check back when the new posting is up.

The good news is did you all see the commercial for Bachelor Pad last night? Oh my word, does that seem like the best night of television ever? My favorite line of the ad goes to some sweet, young lovely who asks demurely, “Can somebody please help me take my top off?” during a giant game of Twister. Weather Man is back, perfectly coifed hair Craig is back, Elizabeth (who used to look like Courtney Cox and was a tease with Jake) is back and blonde, and oh the bods bods bods bods! Can’t WAIT for August 9th when it premieres. And I will be blogging that show too, no worries. You won’t miss a thing.

Have a great couple of weeks Bachelor/ette fans, and I’ll be back here soon!

Blog Up Later Today!

Wow...for an episode that spent over an hour on the Frank story when it could have just taken 15 minutes, you people are fired up about it all! I have emails and messages pouring out of every email and Facebook account.

I'm busy getting the blog ready for later today, so check back then.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Tale of Tampa, Cape Cod, Green Bay, and Chicago -- It's Time for the Hometown Dates!

First off, I usually put this at the end of my postings, but I realize that they are really long and most of you probably don’t even make it to the end. I wanted to invite everyone to join my Facebook page called After the Rose. It’s updated more regularly than this page is. Join us there for clips, gossip, cartoons, and hopefully some fun chat. Right now I only have 24 fans, which is pathetic considering this page had over 400 hits last week! C’mon….you know you wanna join!

I’m getting hundreds of hits now on this page (several of them international!), so welcome to all of you who have come to check this out. Who knew that so many people loved to dish on this show the way I do? I appreciate you being here. Leave a message and let me know what you think. Lots of you have sent great suggestions for ways to make this even better, and I always love hearing them.

OK…now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to what you REALLY came here for…

It’s hometown date night tonight on The Bachelorette. And you know what that means, right? Time for Ali to check out all the guys’ families, decide which one is the craziest, and dump that guy. It happens like clockwork every season. Remember Jason going home to meet Naomi’s family back on his season? Naomi’s mom had a dead bird in the freezer that had hit her windshield? And it was the same freezer where they kept their frozen dinners and popsicles? And she made Jason say a eulogy? And they buried the frozen carcass in the backyard? Remember? Like total nutso crazy? You can’t make this stuff up, people.

I guess it’s only fair to let the bachelors and bachelorettes meet their potential in-laws before they dive into giving and accepting wedding proposals. But it always ends up making one of the hopefuls look worse since they come from a weird family. Tonight was no exception. More on that later.

Hometown Date with Roberto, or “Steeplecat, Steeplecat, What Are They Feeding You?”

We start off tonight’s show with scenes of Ali walking through some sort of verdant garden area. Her voiceovers are telling us that it’s down to four guys now. She says she’s nervous for the hometown dates, but that she’s also excited to meet everyone’s families. We see a shot of her packing her shiny, spangly shoes into her suitcase, so you know Ali feels fancy and means business.

Suddenly salsa music starts playing and we know that Ali is heading to Florida for her hometown date with Row-bur-toe. With all the spicy music and shots of interesting architecture, we must be in Miami Beach, right? Um, no. The words at the bottom of the screen actually tell us we are in Tampa. Tampa. Saying that word actually just made me yawn. The name sounds like a feminine hygiene product. But if the producers want to “spice up” a boring city with a little Latin music, then who am I to judge? I’m just saying it was a bit of a letdown.

Ali meets Roberto at the campus of the University of Tampa (yawwnnn…), where apparently Roberto attended and played baseball. They do the patented Bachelor/ette “lift and leg wrap” maneuver as they greet each other, Roberto asks her, “How ya doin’, beautiful?”, and Ali’s annoying laugh is back in full effect. We immediately notice that she’s wearing her signature bright, canary yellow, so that’s a good sign.

Roberto has told Ali to wear shorts and be ready to be active today. Gee…I wonder what they will be doing? Water ballet? Riding horses? Oh! Roberto used to play BASEBALL! That’s it! I bet they’re going to play BASEBALL!

Sure enough, Roberto pushes open a gate like he’s about to show Ali the final resting place of the Ark of the Covenant, the music sweeps, and GASP! It’s the ACTUAL field where Roberto played baseball in college! It’s all that we dreamed it would be and more, including pixilated-out advertisements all around the outfield. Weep weep. Ali’s such a lucky girl.

Roberto shows Ali a jersey that just happens to be lying in the dugout and, lo and behold, when he turns it around it has her NAME on the back! Her NAME! Ali WAY over-enthuses about how excited she is to see “ALI” printed on the back of some lame jersey and we look away embarrassedly.

Then Roberto leaves and comes back…wait for it…wearing HIS uniform from when HE played in college! AND he’s number 19 AND there’s a number 19 on the back of Ali’s jersey too! Can you believe the coincidence of it all? I mean, what are the odds?

We get lots of scenes of both of them batting and fielding and throwing. Ali’s not as athletic-looking as they made her out to be. I mean, she’s holding her own and would probably run circles around me, but she’s definitely not ready for the Olympic softball team by any means. I thought the reason she looked so bad this season in all of her fancy dresses is because she’s such an athletic tomboy. Turns out that she just looks better in athletic clothes. Who knew?

At one point in their little outing, Roberto cozies up behind her to show her how to properly hold the bat. We all recognize this move for what it is – a chance to get into a sexual position but still keep your clothes on. Ali totally knows what he’s up to and snuggles right back into him.

After the fun and frivolity out on the diamond, they sit down to a picnic lunch on the field. Roberto takes this opportunity to take out a little gift he has for Ali – his baseball card from when he played baseball. Ali is way too impressed about it. Those of us paying close attention can see that the team he played for is not the Yankees or the Dodgers. It’s the Steeplecats. What the #%@# is a steeplecat? I just looked up the team online, and they are playing The Laconia Muskrats this weekend if anyone’s interested in going. (UPDATE: I just checked it out on Google and Wikipedia, and as far as I can tell a steeplecat isn’t even a type of cat. Huh? Also, Microsoft Word is underlining “steeplecat” in red, so it’s not even really a word.)

Ali thinks Roberto is “smokin’ hot” on his card. She’s digging a man in his uniform, especially a baseball uniform. I have to admit Roberto sizzles up the hotness meter in basically whatever he’s wearing, so more power to him. I just wish those weird dents in the top corners of each of his eyebrows would finally grow back in. Some manscaping salon in Tampa (yawwwnnn….) needs to give him his money back.

They toast with champagne and talk about being nervous and excited to hang with Roberto’s family tonight. Roberto tells her that his dad is an ex-Army Ranger and can be tough, and that his mom is passive and doesn’t like to argue. Um, OK. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Dad bosses and Mom complies to avoid an argument.

They kiss and make out a lot during this whole segment. These two are definitely still feelin’ some chemistry. They can’t keep their bodies off of each other ever. If they went any further they’d need their own After Hours show on Showtime with the Big Brother cast.

Now it’s nighttime and the two of them are walking up to Roberto’s family’s home. Ali has on yellow again and is wearing heels that seem way too high for a first meeting with potential in-laws at their house.

Ali gets introduced to Roberto’s family – his dad Roberto Sr., his mom Olga, his sister Olga, his brother Peter (who is also, fortunately, smokin’ hot), and Peter’s wife Kristin – and is immediately bummed when she realizes that if she and Roberto end up together she’s going to have to name her firstborn son Roberto and her firstborn daughter Olga. Olga? I mean, can you just imagine Ali’s WASP-y family being excited that their first granddaughter is named Olga?

They all make small talk around the dinner table and Ali says she’s driven through Tampa (Yawwwnnn…) but never really stopped there before. Gee, I wonder why? It couldn’t be that Ft. Lauderdale, Miami Beach, and Orlando/Disneyworld might be a bit more interesting when one is deciding on Florida destinations?

Roberto’s brother asks Ali why she gave Roberto the First Impression Rose back on the first night and she recalls Roberto telling her to “…just look here in my eyes…” if she felt stressed out. He calmed her down and really impressed her.

Next, Roberto and his dad head outside for some alone time. Roberto wants to know what Dad thinks about Ali, but his dad only talks about how great Roberto is. “You’re a prize!” he says proudly, but with his accent, it makes it sound like he said, “You’re a price!” and so I get confused for a second. How much does Roberto’s dad think he’s actually worth?

Next, the “Roberto is a prize!” theme continues as his dad brings Ali into a room filled with trophies and photos from Roberto’s baseball days. At first I think it’s nice that Roberto’s parents have saved all of this for him in his old room, but then the camera starts panning around and I realize that there is nothing else in this room besides a couch and all the awards. It’s like Roberto’s parents’ shrine to how great he was when he played baseball before he met Ali. Now he just sells insurance and exudes manly hotness. I think it’s strange that his parents have a room only devoted to his past greatness. Roberto should have all that stuff at his own house.

Sitting in the trophy room, Roberto Sr. wants to know what goals Ali would sacrifice for Roberto. Ali sidesteps the question and says she’d do what is best for the whole family, implying that she can’t wait to start making babies with this guy’s son. Ew. She talks about teaming up with Roberto and maybe accomplishing work goals together. Maybe they could go into business together and market canary yellow #19 baseball jerseys! When you see them on the runways in Milan next year, you can say you heard it here first. As Dad and Ali get up to leave the trophy room, it’s notable to me that the camera stays for a few extra seconds on the faux-pleather yellow couch. There’s that yellow again!

Next we watch Roberto chatting outside in the backyard with his mom. He tells her that, given the chance, he will most likely propose to Ali. Then, for some reason, he switches to Spanish to ask for his mom’s blessing. We even get the English subtitles below, which makes me wonder if Roberto’s mom has even understood anything going on tonight. Why did he need to switch to Spanish at that exact moment? Mom, of course, gives her blessing, and I notice that she is really pretty and looks really young. Not bad for being married to a tough ex-Army Ranger, huh?

The producers always have to put people on this show in really awkward situations, and Roberto is no exception. In the next scene he and his dad are sitting on a bed together (a bed? Really? Ew.) and Dad is giving Roberto his blessing as well. They speak a bit in Spanish, but we don’t get subtitles.

For the last scene, we cut back to the living room. Roberto’s parents are dancing to some Latin music and I feel bad for Roberto. Who wants to bring their girlfriend home to watch their parents dancing in the middle of the living room? Humiliating. But Roberto makes lemonade out of his parents’ gigantic lemons and pretty soon everyone is up and dancing too.

Although the camera leaves the happy family cha-cha-cha’ing to their heart’s content, we get an ominous voiceover from Ali who’s talking about future decisions. “I think the closer I get to (picking the final guy), I’m almost getting cold feet along the way…” Cue ominous music and fade to black.

Home Town Date with Chris, or ”Welcome to the Most Depressing Date of the Season

One of the staples of this show is that almost every season, one of the remaining bachelors or bachelorettes has to have a sad story back in their hometown. For her hometown date, Meredith took some guy to her grandmother’s grave (Grandma had died while Meredith was taping the show). Joy…just what every guy wants to do on a romantic date. Make out in a graveyard. Cue sad music and memories of Grandma.

Back when we thought Ali was a shoe-in to woo Jake’s heart, she brought him home to meet her family, but not before a stop at her dead grandmother’s house complete with photos and minor chord background music to make us all sad. Then they made out in dead Grandma’s backyard.

This season is no exception, as Ali now arrives on Cape Cod in Massachusetts to meet Chris. Chris’s mom died from cancer last year, and he moved home to be with her until the end. Her death has obviously really affected him, and throughout this season he’s opened up a bit more about how close he was to her and how much her death has profoundly impacted the surviving members of his family.

The mood is already set for this date as they greet each other on a gray, rainy, depressing Beach of Love. Chris has already been kind of a sad sack for most of this series. I get that he has just lost his mother, so I don’t begrudge him feeling blue and disconnected. But then why go on a reality dating show before you’ve processed any of that? He’s not somebody who has come across as joyful or passionate about anything this season.

Both of them are dressed to fit the mood – drab, gray, dull, nothing bright. They play fetch with Chris’s dog Jenny on the beach.(UPDATE: I just read on Ali's blog that this dog is actually named "Jetty". I'll trust her over what I heard last night with my own ears.) Jenny is one of those dogs who’s great at going after the ball, but won’t give it back once it’s firmly clenched between her teeth, which is a great metaphor for Ali’s quest to find the perfect mate. “She doesn’t know how to drop it,” Chris tells Ali. Smirk.

I notice that Ali and Chris don’t kiss when they first greet each other. With Roberto, Ali literally got to home plate before the date was even over. I also notice something about Chris tonight. He talks out of one side of his mouth. I guess that’s not important, but it’s interesting.

In a voiceover Chris tells us that Ali is …”smart…playful…drop-dead gorgeous…I just want to run in circles when she’s around…” and then we laugh as we see his dog running circles around them on the depressing Beach of Love. “She’s the perfect girl for me!” he tells us, and we realize that in a past life Chris was a puppy dog who ran circles on the beach and never listened to anyone.

They walk along the beach for a while and Chris scores the line of the night by pointing out that there are probably whales mating right out in the ocean there “as we speak”. I really hope that one of them cracks a “humpback” joke, but no such luck.

Ali tells us, “I feel the romance already! This is awesome!” but we have noticed that they still have not kissed once and that they are still on the depressing Beach of Love with a dog who won’t give up the ball. Hmmm…do you think she’s lying or has been edited?

Next, they head to Chris’s house, which is actually a very cute New England-style place. Of course, their first stop is to the shrine of photos and memorabilia Chris has in memory of his mom. It’s actually very sweet to see his parents’ wedding picture and shots of Chris as a little boy. Cue strings and pass the tissue.

Chris tells us that he’s sad his mom will never get to meet his future wife. She met both of his brothers’ fiancĂ©s, but that can’t happen for him now that she’s gone. Chris is the oldest of the three, so apparently he’s feeling stressed about being the only one not to have wed yet.

Ali and Chris take glasses of beer out to the front porch and start a cute conversation where they pretend to be a married couple sitting on the porch and watching the world go by.

“So dear, how was your day?” Ali asks him.

“Honey, the boss was yelling at me all day. Sigh…I need a beer!” he answers.

“This is awesome!” Ali replies.

Besides being entertaining, this whole exchange sets the stage for what their real life together will be like – vapid, mind-numbing conversation fueled by booze and screaming bosses. Good times on Cape Cod.

At one point in their conversation, a car zips by and beeps at them. Ali asks if it’s someone from Chris’s family, but he says no. It’s just a random car beeping. Then, throughout all the rest of Ali’s date at Chris’s house, I notice that there are lots of cars whizzing by. Apparently Chris could afford a nice place in a crappy location since it sounds like he’s right on the highway with the amount of ambient traffic noise that fills the rest of the outdoor scenes.

Chris says he hasn’t brought anyone home to meet his family since his mom died and that he wouldn’t have brought Ali back home if he didn’t think his family would love her too. He again says he’s jealous of what his brothers have and I notice that his hair is extra spiky tonight.

They kiss on the porch and Ali says she’s excited to meet his family. In his best run-on sentence, Chris answers back, “You make me smile and happy and I like that a lot.”

Next, Chris’s family arrives. We meet his dad first, who seems like a nice guy with a weathered New England face. Immediately I notice that he has the same gross black bump under one of his fingernails that Ty had last week. Either it’s a sign that Chris is not getting a rose tonight like Ty last week, or that Ali only surrounds herself with people who don’t know how to correctly operate a hammer. Chris’s dad also has natural, pointy, Doctor Spock ears. Geeky chick magnet.

We meet Chris’s two brothers, Mark and Eric, who are cute, but Chris is definitely the hottest of the three. We also meet the wife and fiancĂ© (Meaghan and Sarah) of the two brothers.

They crack open a bottle of wine that Chris and Ali brought from their winery date in Portugal. Chris steps into dicey territory when he tells Ali, “If you get Meaghan and Sarah bombed, they’ll love you!” which kind of makes it sound like they won’t like her sober.

Meaghan and Sarah both immediately notice that Ali is wearing one of the same Dennis bracelets that they have too. Ali says Chris gave it to her two days ago in Portugal, but wasn’t she in Florida with Roberto two days ago? I’m not sure how they edit this show. I just don’t even try to figure it out.

Something popping up a lot this season that I also noticed back on Jake’s season is that Ali says the word “important” a lot, but she pronounces it like “impor-int” and omits the first “t” sound for some reason. Why do people do that? Is it an East Coast thing? It makes her sound like a little kid to me.

They all crowd around platters of shellfish and start to eat while Chris’s dad tells her that their family motto is, “Love is the only reality.” Which is nice, but also kinda puke-y at the same time. In my family our slogan was, “Get your elbows off the table and get your hands out of your pants!” Go figure.

They sit around and chat with each other, and it feels like Ali is coming off a little ditzy in this part. They want to know what made Chris different for her and she says he’s “…funny…caring…(and) family-oriented…” She giggles a lot and seems a lot like someone on the outside of a clique trying too hard to break in.

Chris’s dad tells the story of how he and Chris’s mom met, and I wonder why he would want to air these details on national television once I hear what he has to say. He walked into a bar when he was 22. His future wife was there too. She was 19 and had gotten into the bar using a fake ID (Excellent parental role-modeling here…) Apparently, Chris’s mom had turned to a friend and told her that he was the guy she was going to marry, and she was right. Two years later they were married. It’s a sweet “love at first sight” story that resulted in a lifelong, loving relationship. I guess I’m too cynical, though. Personally, I’d be bummed if my folks told me they met illegally in a bar the first time.

Ali gets some alone time with Dad, who tells her that she and Chris have a lot in common. They both gave up jobs to help nurse sick loved ones until they died. Ali says she had never made that connection before, and Jake is watching this at home and rolling his eyes since he had to endure the funereal tour of Grandma’s house last season and Ali doesn’t even remember it.

Dad says his goal is to have all three of his sons happy and married before he dies. He also says, though, that Chris has never had that “someone special” to share his feelings with, but that he’s “…an incredible kid.” This speaks volumes about Chris’s past relationships. He kind of sounds like damaged goods. Add in the death of his mom weighing on him, and Chris L. may not be the best catch for Ali right now. Too much baggage there.

Now Chris is chatting with his two brothers and their significant others. They can tell he really likes Ali since they can see he’s giddy as a schoolboy around her. But they are also worried since this is, after all, a competition and Ali is choosing between four guys right now. They want to watch out for him since he’s the kind to “…jump in with (his) whole heart...”

Chris again is excited that Ali will “fit right in” to the family, but I’m not really feeling it on this date. There is a pall of sadness and depression surrounding this whole part of the episode. Nothing feels light and fun like with Roberto.

Chris and his Dad get some alone time on the porch with more traffic zooming by in the background. Chris again says he’s pissed that his brothers got to “show off” their future wives to his mom and he won’t get to do that too. This guy needs to be married too much. Big warning sign. Dad answers back that Mom is probably “up there” orchestrating this whole thing. “You’re the first born. You mean a lot to us. Now why aren’t you married like your brothers? Are you defective?” Well, OK. He didn’t say those last few parts. But you could see it in his weathered, New England face.

Chris says a tearful goodbye to his family, and then announces to Ali that he has one more thing to show her. This date feels like it’s been going on and on and on. Is it just me or was this date like twice as long as the other ones? It plodded along and never felt like it would end.

Chris and Ali walk up to the top of some random stone tower that is on Chris’s property. I have no idea what it is. Maybe my readers from New England can enlighten us? Anyway, they climb up to the top of it, set their wineglasses perilously close to the edge (the parent in me kept flinching any time it looked like their elbows were anywhere near the glasses), and touch their foreheads together. Awww… “Damn, you’re cute!” Chris tells her and kisses her neck. “I love it when you kiss my neck,” Ali answers back. A 7th grader could have written this dialogue, folks.

They finally make out (with much less passion than with Roberto, I notice), the music swells, I see Ali has a French manicure on her nails, and then we are finally done with the depressing hometown date of this season. I need to go put on some Katy Perry or some Ke$ha and lighten the mood a bit. This was all a real downer, huh? Where’s Krazy Kasey when you need him?

Kirk’s Hometown Date, or “My Dinner with Vienna’s Mother

As we open on Kirk’s hometown date, we do a double take when we hear the music. We see shots of a tractor harvesting in a field and we see cows, both of which we associate with Wisconsin. Agriculture, cheese, farms – I’m getting it so far. But I think that the producers accidentally piped in the music they hoped to use in case Ty scored a hometown date in Tennessee. What’s up with all of the banjo pickin’? It sounds like an episode of Hee Haw playing in the background. Something is definitely wrong here. Kirk is from Green Bay, Wisconsin, not the Blue Hills of Tennessee. I think the nice citizens of Midwestern Green Bay might be kind of bummed to have their town associated with southern banjo music.

For some reason, Kirk is standing in a gazebo in the middle of a random local park. He runs up and hugs Ali, but doesn’t get the wrap-around leg action from her – probably because he’s too short to be able to lift her all the way into the air. She’s wearing a bright yellow jacket, and we breathe a sigh of relief that we will again be watching a happy, upbeat Ali this time. For his part, Kirk says, “Holy cow!” way too much, but it’s endearing in a Midwestern way, so we’ll give him a pass this week. He’s still a bit too hyper and naive for Ali, I think, but we’ll see.

Kirk tells Ali that they will actually be visiting two households today. His folks are divorced like Ali’s but what’s different is that Kirk’s parents don’t speak to each other any more while Ali’s do. Ali thinks that’s weird. She thinks that Kirk has inherited trust issues because of his parents’ relationship, so she’s treading lightly for now until she finds out more.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this posting, another Bachelor/ette formula for the hometown dates is that one family has to be crazy and have the crazy music playing in the background. Unfortunately for Kirk, his dad’s house is the place getting the treatment this time around.

Kirk takes her to meet his dad (who, Kirk tells us, is a man of few words), his stepmom (who looks like she could use some advice from the local Mary Kay representative), and his sister Nikko (sp.?). Kirk makes a point of saying “…my adopted sister Nikko.” for some reason, like saying that she’s adopted explains their age difference or something.

We’ve been seeing previews for this next scene for weeks now, but the kooky music starts and Kirk’s dad invites Ali downstairs to see his basement. If you ever are meeting a strange family in Green Bay, Wisconsin my advice to you would be NOT to go down to the basement alone. Unfortunately, Ali doesn’t have the Spidey Sense I do, and she heads down to the depths like Clarice Starling looking for the killer who peels skin off of his/her victims in Silence of the Lambs. The parallels here are creepy, no?

Of course the entire basement is filled with Kirk’s dad’s taxidermy projects – both completed and in progress. She puts her hand over her mouth all grossed out and says, “Oh my god!”

“This is what I do,” Kirk’s dad proudly announces. “I bring animals back to life!” Maybe the producers were right to use the backwoods banjo music for this date after all?

He says he’s done thousands of animals and we get creepy close-ups of many of them including shiny tongues, bared teeth, and prey still hanging from jaws. It’s truly an off-putting scene for those of us used to seeing live animals in the wild or in the zoo. Ali speaks for many of us when she says, “I love animals, but I love them when they’re alive!”

Cut back up to the living room where Kirk, his sister, and Mrs. Anti-Mary Kay are talking about how they think Ali will react to what she finds down in the basement. “Maybe she’ll say, ‘Oh, cool!’” the little girl predicts, and we laugh since we know at this point Kirk’s dad has most likely lowered Ali into a well and told her to “put the lotion on its body!”

Now Ali is staring wide-eyed as Kirk’s dad takes her on a tour of his finer masterpieces. “What is this?” she asks, pointing to a weird piece of fur with googly eyes on it.

“That’s a caribou foot that I put eyes on it,” comes the reply. OK, right now I hereby apologize to the producers for making fun of them including banjo music at the beginning. They knew exactly what they were doing. This guy could not be any more redneck – from the extra “it” at the end of his sentence, to the fact that decorating animal feet is something he seems to enjoy and take pride in, to his crazy hair that hasn’t seen conditioner since ’76, this guy has nuts written all over him.

Next, he takes Ali over to a freezer and keeps with The Bachelor/ette tradition of dead animal remains in cold places going by showing Ali not only frozen carcasses, but frozen parts and organs he’s removed from other animals. It’s like a Who’s Who of disgusting animal dregs in there, and Ali can’t wait to get away.

Upstairs, Kirk is asking what they think of Ali and if he should ask her to marry him. The little sister tells Kirk that he should definitely ask Ali to marry him. Then she holds her finger up and starts repeating, “Redrum! Redrum!” over and over again while blood starts dripping down the walls. Or something like that.

The stepmom agrees in a completely flat, monotone voice tinged with a Midwestern accent. The camera pans around the room filled with all sorts of porcelain tchotchkes that she bought for $5 apiece off of QVC.

We go back down to the basement where Ali has just finished trying on a coat made completely out of the skin that Kirk’s dad has collected from his murder victims is sitting down and chatting with Kirk’s dad. Dad says that Kirk hasn’t brought many “gals” home, and we completely understand that since they all probably got thrown in the well and doused with lotion and skin coats. Word gets around, y’know.

“He’s one of the good guys,” his dad says about Kirk. Ali says she had a good conversation with the dad. We laugh uncontrollably throughout this entire scene because in another coup of perfect “over the shoulder” placement by the producers, there is a completely skinned animal that is obviously in the process of getting a makeover from Dad right over Ali’s shoulder. It’s a hilarious juxtaposition to see cute, yellow-clad Ali going on and on about how nice it is to meet Kirk’s family while a poor, dead, skinned rodent huddles behind her in a death pose. The only recognizable features of the animal we can make out are the dead-looking eyes. Poor thing.

We finish this scene with a shot of a stuffed squirrel holding what looks like a raspberry in its paws. I bet Kirk’s dad is getting orders out the wazoo after this episode. If anyone’s wondering what to get me for Christmas this year, I’ll take two caribou feet and a raspberry squirrel, please. What’s not to love?

Next, Dad and Kirk talk one-on-one and Kirk’s dad ups the serial killer/stalker ante by telling Kirk, “I’d love to have her around here all the time…She seems really nice.” and Kirk’s stepmom wishes the dad would say the same thing about her and makes a mental note to start wearing bright yellow and giggling loudly at nothing in particular.

Kirk’s dad reminds him that the reason he and Kirk’s mom split was because they got married so young and grew apart. He tells his son to make sure that he and Ali are compatible. But he ends up giving Kirk his approval in the end and tells him he knows Kirk will make a good decision.

To really add to the serial murder movie scenario, the producers next give us a shot of Kirk’s dad and stepmom gazing out their back window while Kirk, Ali, and the little sister play soccer in the backyard. A true stalker shot there. “I haven’t seen Kirk like this before,” his dad mentions while we see that Kirk actually CAN pick Ali up. It looks like he’s attacking her and throwing her body around the yard while little sister whoops it up and laughs. The family that murders together, stays together, apparently.

In a voiceover, Kirk tells us that he was worried about taking Ali to his dad’s house, but that it all went as well as he could have thought. Now he can’t wait for her to meet his mom.

We come back from commercial, and it’s time to meet Mom. As they walk up to the house, Ali’s voiceover tells us that she’s worried Kirk has never been in a serious relationship before. I notice that there is a random bench on the lawn just sitting out by the street. In my neighborhood, that bench would be gone in less than a day, so apparently the crime rate is lower in Green Bay.

They walk in and meet Kirk’s grandma Arelene, his mom Tina, and his sister (I think her name was Tawna or Tania, but I couldn’t make it out). Immediately I notice something that throws off my whole evening. Was it just me or was Kirk’s mom EXACTLY what you would have pictured Vienna’s mom to look like? Kind of a washed-out, bleached-up lady who’s definitely “seen a lot of life” as they say. It was eerie to keep making that connection throughout this segment of the show. I kept seeing Vienna whenever they cut to Kirk’s mom. Of course, the one main difference is that Kirk’s mom’s mouth happens to be full of braces. I’m guessing Vienna’s mom is pretty much toothless at this point (Yeah…I said it! So what?)

Kirk’s sister is hot, no doubt. I’m not sure where she and Kirk got their looks since Mom and Dad haven’t weathered the years too well.

The family sits right down to a typical Midwestern meal – meatloaf, carrots, and TWO kinds of potatoes. Grandma seems especially interested in getting the meal started. She reminds me of the “Where’s the beef?” lady from the 80s. She’s very focused on getting that food passed and on letting Ali know there are TWO kinds of potatoes. “Dish up the cheesy potatoes!” she urges the group.

They chat while they eat and Kirk’s sister wants to know what makes Kirk special for Ali. Ali answers that he’s “quirky…funny…and positive” which describes every guy on this show except maybe Chris L., who is too sad sack to be labeled positive. Ali also likes that Kirk made her that sad scrapbook on the first night they met. He says his sister told him not to give that to Ali on the first night, but he smirks across the table at her as Ali says that it made an impact on her and she liked getting to know him that way early on.

Kirk blushes and tells us he wants to be with Ali in the end. The 7th grader in me snickers just a bit. Tee…hee…hee…”in the end”.

Kirk goes outside and talks to his sister while she sits uncomfortably on a swing. “She’s magnetic!” he tells Sis. “I feel better when I’m close to her…She likes me for me.” The sister just kinda sits there doe-eyed and swoony and nods her head. “I’m ready to finally give and receive in a relationship…This is what I want,” Kirk affirms and again we tee hee hee. This is too easy.

Next Ali gets some alone time with Vienna at 60 years old Kirk’s mom. They talk about Kirk’s fight during his illness. You may remember that during college Kirk moved into the Amityville House and ended up sick with mold and toxic infections of all sorts. Mom pulls out a tattered, yellow Live Strong bracelet and tells the story that she and Kirk always wore the bracelets throughout his illness and recovery. Two days before he left for California to be on the show, Mom woke up and her bracelet had snapped off of her wrist and fallen off. She took it as a symbol of a new beginning. We take it as a symbol that she should probably make the track marks on her OTHER arm so the bracelet won’t fall off as her veins collapse has really thin wrists. She wells up as she tells the story.

Kirk next has some one-on-one with his mom and she says she could tell he was “…instantaneously happy…” She thinks she’s a good judge of people and likes Ali a lot. “I think it’s your turn now (at love)” Mom says to Kirk. They hug, and it’s actually pretty sweet. Kirk and his family are likeable and genuine. “I’d be lost without my family,” he says.

Then he goes and ruins it all by saying, “I feel ten times more confident today (about his relationship with Ali…)” This, of course, is the death knell of their relationship. We may as well fast forward to the Rose Ceremony now, because we know this guy isn’t making it through to the next round of dates.

He hugs Ali goodbye next to the ubiquitous SUV with tinted windows and tells her, “You fit right in!” They kiss, but there is way less passion here than with either Roberto or Chris. You can just feel that Green Bay Kirk is a little too “green” to keep up with the likes of San Francisco Ali.

Frank’s Hometown Date, or “Captain Tootie

Last but not least, it’s Frank’s turn for the hometown date in Chicago. He tells us he’s happy to be home and misses Ali a lot. “I’m very ready to bring her home and introduce her to my parents,” he tells us, and we can only hope we will get to see Frank’s room at his folks’ house. Will it still have his Guns ‘n’ Roses posters up? His Pamela Anderson Baywatch poster? The Playboy hidden behind his bed? We can’t wait to find out.

We see lots of typical Chicago shots – the downtown skyline, shots of the El, etc. Frank is out on a pier and Ali runs up to him. She’s not wearing any yellow, which is probably a bad sign. Frank tells her that they are going to go for a boat cruise on the river through downtown. The boat leaves and Ali exclaims, “Oh! This is SO fun!” What she’s saying here is that this is WAY more fun than the awkward boat ride she took with Craig in Turkey where he tried to put the moves on her and her body could not have been turned any more awkwardly away from him.

They tell the captain to toot the horn and he does and they laugh. They pose for lame photos again. This seems to be a new running theme to the show too. Gia did it with Jake in New York Harbor. Now it’s Ali’s turn with Frank.

Then we get to hear them talking. Ali tells Frank she could be meeting her future in-laws today, and Frank gets way too over-animated. “That’s right!” he yells with a toothy smile as he all of a sudden realizes that Ali just gave him a little hint that she kinda likes him. Frank is too over-eager about everything and comes off as way too insecure. Ew. His voice is even trembling as he speaks. Is he nervous? Excited? About to pull a knife?

Then the music turns serious as Frank tells us that it’s been very up and down for him these past weeks. “It’s really hard,” he laments. “This is really, really important to me!” He goes on and on about journeys and having faith and how tough this all is. Then he butchers pronoun usage and says, “I can have faith in you and I and you send me home tomorrow.” Clearly Frank is at a crisis of faith in his relationship with Ali AND in his relationship with the English language.

Ali tells him not to think about all of that. She says that when Frank overanalyzes and questions everything, that’s when things get “iffy” for her. She can’t tell him her true feelings, so she needs him to have faith right now. So far this date is sounding like a cross between a Southern Baptist tent revival and a George Michael hit from the 80s (cuz of the faith, get it?)

Ali says she can’t figure him out, but she tells him, “I feel good about you.”

“You do?” Frank asks a little too desperately.

They spend the rest of their time on the boat looking sad, forlorn, and bored. At least they have their arms around each other, but the sunny, happy, captain-tooting-horn feeling that they had at the start of the date is definitely gone.

Next, the words at the bottom of the screen tell us that we are still in Chicago, but the scene we see looks agricultural with green fields and brown pastures. Maybe the producers got it wrong again?

They walk in to the family house, and meet Frank’s family. His mom Debbie is there, as well as his dad Hank. His sister Becky (who is hugely pregnant) is also there with her husband Chris. Becky looks exactly like the female version of Frank. The resemblance is spooky. It’s Frank in a wig. And what was up with the mom's elbows? For this entire segment they are bright red. Skin disease? She leans on them a lot? It was distracting.

They start off their visit by all cracking lots of sarcastic jokes. It gets kind of annoying. Mom jokes that since Frank is the last hometown date, Ali will probably boot him off the show now. Har har. It’s all bad jokes trying to be funny in an awkward way. Oh, and Mom definitely gives Brenda Vaccaro a run for her money with that husky smoker’s voice, huh?

Frank tells us that Ali, “…just shared our sense of humor,” which actually does make me laugh since Ali has not tried to say one funny thing this entire time. Mom and Ali head out to the backyard with their glasses of wine, and Frank is way too excited about it.

Ali says she likes the weather here and that she can feel the seasons changing like back home in Massachusetts. Frank’s mom asks Ali, “Is Frank possibly the right person for you?" and Ali answers, “Yes…I really like him a lot…” Then Frank’s mom says it feels like Frank and Ali have already been dating for a year, and I’m not sure if that’s her way of saying she feels like she already knows Ali so well, or that Ali is such a dull, lifeless shell of a human on this date that the time feels like it’s been stretching out for an eternity. She ends by saying she thinks the two of them are cute together, and we know for sure she didn’t just see the most boring boat tour of Chicago ever.

Now Frank is talking to his sister and brother-in-law in the living room, and I can’t help but notice that the entire room is decked out in an Asian theme. It’s like a little slice of Beijing, Tokyo, Saigon, and Bangkok all in the same living space. There are Shoji screens, Chinese vases (from Pier One, no doubt), figurines, Asian symbols…the whole nine yards. Odd.

The three of them chat for a bit, but it’s all boring. I can’t understand why fans like Frank so much. He’s twitchy, oily faced, and just so dull it makes you want to scream in his face. The gist of the conversation is that, surprise! surprise! they just want Frank to be happy and hope the best for him.

Ali somehow ends up with a new wineglass (this girl is plowing through some serious alcohol during this entire episode, huh?) and heads outside for a tete-a-tete with Frank’s sister. Sis says that Frank can be clouded by his emotions and that he’s scared that he’s so vulnerable. This family is so boring that I actually have nothing snipe-y to say about any of this.

Frank chats with his dad alone and tells him that he really likes Ali a lot. She gives really good French kisses under the Hollywood sign and skips really well – especially down emergency lanes. Dad says he likes Ali a lot too, and that she’s a good person, she’s genuine, and she’s a lot of fun.

“I REALLY like her,” Frank replies. “I want to be married.” Warning lights begin going off at this last declaration. More and more Frank seems like the type of guy who is here for the wrong reasons. He’s one of those typical contestants on this show who is falling in love with the idea of falling in love, but he’s missing all the joy and spontaneity of getting to know someone for the first time.

I forgot to mention it earlier, but Frank’s outfit during this whole segment deserves some discussion. He has an overshirt on over what is either a really stretched out t-shirt or a white tank top. Either way, the chest on the undershirt/tank top is WAY too low and is exposing much too much skin and shaved chest hair. It looks like it’s been stretched down too far somehow. We know it’s not from Ali putting her paws all over him in the boat earlier, so he must be wearing it that way on purpose. Pull up the undershirt, Frank.

The end of the date is nigh. Frank tells us, “Ali could very easily be the girl I propose to,” although he thinks he might also want to propose to that brunette we saw in the previews last week that makes him need to talk to Ali about something serious in Tahiti next week. Ali says, “His family is so great!”” and she can see herself being a part of it.

They walk out to the SUV and kiss. Frank puts his hand up on Ali’s face and, you guessed it, there’s that stupid thumb ring again. Despite this horrible fashion faux pas, Ali announces to us that there is a “…really good possibility that Frank and I will end up together at the end of this,” which anyone who has been watching the previews knows is nowhere near what will happen at the end.

Alas, we never got to see Frank’s room. I’m dying to know what it looks like, aren’t you? Maybe we’ll get to see it in InStyle one of these days if he makes it to the end.

The Rose Ceremony, or “Will Anyone Whose Father Does Taxidermy in the Basement Please Take One Giant Step Forward? You Need to Leave Now

Back in Los Angeles, Ali’s limo pulls up to the mansion from previous episodes. The driveway is, of course, all wet and puddly and there is steam rising in front of the headlights for extra added effect. Chris Harrison comes out and opens Ali’s door and escorts her inside the house.

As she gets out of the limo, I can see that she has on a really gorgeous dress. I’m loving the shade of lavender and all of the roses along the bodice. Of course, though, the designer has to go and ruin it again by making it too long, thus making Ali have to stoop over to hold it up and ruin any beautiful line the dress may have had before.

She sits down for some one-on-one time with Chris. It’s immediately apparent that the make up people have caked on WAY too much lavender lip-gloss on Ali. Her lips look like they are being pulled downward with the weight of goop on them. The sheen her lips give off can probably be seen in Lesbian Lisbon.

Chris and Ali review each of the hometown dates one by one. It’s basically a rehash of everything we’ve heard before: Roberto is hot in a uniform, but is a fairytale guy that she doesn’t feel she deserves, she loved meeting Chris L’s family, she knows Kirk wants to be with her but isn’t sure that’s what’s best for her, and Frank was weird for the first part of their date, but she loved meeting his family.

After all of this Chris asks her, “Is your husband among these men?” and Ali makes a pregnant pause for effect, and then says with foreboding, “I’m scared.”

She starts to cry and goes on about how hard it will be to let one of the guys go tonight. “These hometown dates were pretty extraordinary!” she says. She’s not ready to let one guy go. Chris leaves her alone with her giant tears rolling down her face, but not before he flashes his GIANT watch. Man, that thing took up half his arm! Who needs a watch that big? You might as well glue a full-sized clock to your forearm. They cut to a shot of the fountain outside, which is apparently also crying giant tears. No sign of a giant watch on it, though. Cut to commercial.

Now we’re back for the Rose Ceremony. I think it’s significant that Chris L. finally decided to dress up tonight. He’s got on dress shoes AND a tie. He must have gotten a talking-to from his sisters-in-law. For his part, Roberto is the casual one tonight with his top button undone and his tie slightly loosened. All of the guys are playing “Whose hair is spikier?” as they wait for Ali to come in. They all assume the typical “Put your hands in front of your balls or else Ali is going to symbolically kick them hard” pose that all the bachelors make on this show.

Ali hunches into the room with bad posture and says her heart is pounding out of her chest. She starts to talk to the guys. “This has nothing to do with…” but then has to break off as she starts crying again. I notice her lips are WAY less glossy right now. Someone finally wiped off 90% of the stuff she had on in the other room.

She starts again. “This has nothing to do with your families,” she wails, and we know that’s a lie since every contestant from a crazy family gets dumped after the hometown dates on this show. Every one. Right now Kirk is wishing his dad could have had a hobby more mainstream than taxidermy like, say, fantasy football? Or possibly stamp collecting?

Roberto now has switched to the “I am so confident in getting a rose tonight, I will take my hands away from my balls and put them in my pockets” stance. The other three stand in defensive mode.

Roberto’s sixth sense was right on as Ali calls his name out to receive the first rose. He accepts it, and we get a shot of Frank looking all stalker-y and jealous. I notice that Frank has on a weird jacket tonight. At first glance it looks like a sports coat, but then when I look more closely at the collar and lapels, it kind of looks like a weird Members Only jacket. Odd choice.

Chris L. gets the second rose and he happily accepts it. Cut to Kirk looking nervous and wearing a skinny tie that is evoking a very Spandau Ballet vibe.

Now it’s down to Frank and Kirk, and of course Ali gives the last rose to…Frank. Kirk is out. Our eyes go wide as we realize that when Frank says that he will accept the rose, he doesn’t use Ali’s name at all. I am floored.

Kirk is expressionless, and Ali walks him out to the courtyard. They sit down, and Ali says she’s sorry.

“Don’t be sorry,” Kirk answers. Awww…he really is a sweet guy and I feel sorry for him just a bit.

Ali tells Kirk that, “It’s not about you or me, I just don’t know that we’re right together,” which is code for, “Your dad creeped me out with his caribou feet and you tossed me around in the backyard like a soccer ball way too much. Oh, and your little sister is weird.”

Kirk responds with, “Thank you, I guess. You’ve been my first real shot at doing this. It just sucks that it has to stop right now.” His first shot at doing what? Finding love on a fake reality show? Being dumped on national television? Having his dad finally exposed for the ruthless killer that he is?

They stand up and she asks Kirk for a hug. He hugs her, and then Ali escorts him to the limo, blows him a lame kiss, and stands there forlornly watching as the limo pulls away as if Kirk is being led away to the electric chair.

In the back seat interview, Kirk tells us, “I really, really did not see this coming. I’ve never had my heart broken before.” Apparently Kirk has always been the heartbreaker in the past. “This is definitely new,” he says.

He felt good and would have proposed to her if he had made it to the end. “My heart is a bit bruised right now. This sucks.”

Ali tells us that she cares a lot for Kirk and knows that he put himself out there. And with that, we bid adieu to Kirk. I’m sure this exposure will treat him just fine. Judging by all of the Bachelorette online bulletin boards, he has a bevy of beauties just waiting to sweep him off his feet now that Ali has left him in the dust.

Back inside the mansion, Ali announces to the remaining guys that they are now heading to Tahiti. The guys are excited, and Frank actually needs to put his hand on Chris L’s shoulder for support when he hears the surprise announcement.

Previews, or “DĂ©jĂ  Vu All Over Again

There is no new footage in the previews. It’s all the same, sweeping shots of how beautiful Tahiti is, how Ali is ready to take her relationships with the three remaining guys to the next level, and how Frank is about to spill some very bad news to Ali. The real fireworks start next week.

Closing Credits, or “Sit, Ubu, Sit! Woof! Good Dog!

We get our first truly funny clip of the season tonight as the closing credits roll. We are back on Chris L’s porch on Cape Cod and Ali wants to know if his dog Jenny knows any tricks. Chris, of course, says yes, and it starts a funny montage of him trying to get Jenny to do all sorts of things and Jenny not having any response at all except to the word “Treat!” When Chris says, “Treat!” her tail wags and she’s all about the attentiveness. But when he tells her to sit, it’s like she has no idea what to do.

Chris gets frustrated about looking like he doesn’t know his own dog at all. “Dammit, Jenny! You’re killing me!” He turns to Ali and deadpans, “She’s nervous to be on TV.” It’s a cute scene and finally shows a little of the upbeat personality that I’m sure is buried somewhere inside Chris L.

So there we go. Only three more episodes left this season – the final three, The Men Tell All, and the finale. Who will Ali choose? No spoilers, please, but if you have an opinion about the winner, come and share it with us! Don’t forget to join “After the Rose” on Facebook too. Thanks for reading and commenting, and catch you next week!

Friday, July 9, 2010

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Cartoon

Check out Jake and Vienna poolside dishing it out to each other!

Jake and Vienna at the Pool!

Castles, Sunset Meals and the Jake vs. Vienna Showdown!

Thanks for hanging in there during the delay. The long holiday weekend threw off my mojo, but I’m finally back in the saddle. I guess I picked a good week to be late, though. What was up with this episode? They edited down the dates a LOT to make room for the Jake and Vienna interview at the end. I had thought their interview was going to be 5-10 minutes max, but it ended up taking an entire half hour. And although it was juicy (more on that later!) the actual dates suffered. So much was cut out!


Welcome to Portugal, or “Didn’t Ali Say Last Week We Were Going to See Lesbians?

The guys are on their way to Portugal and we get one of them shouting, “On the way to Portugal, baby!” in the airport like I’m guessing Vasco da Gama did as he returned to his home country after finding a trade route to India. Such class these boys have. They arrive and immediately start looking around for lesbians, but then get hit with the sad reality that Ali actually said they were going to “Lisbon”. They make mental notes to themselves to pay more attention to what girls are actually saying.

Did you notice we didn’t get a fun animated map this week to show us how they flew from Turkey to Portugal? Jake and Vienna ruin all of the fun!

They meet Chris Harrison out in a sunny square in Lisbon, Portugal. This assembly was far different from that bitterly frozen square in Iceland where they all recited bad poetry to Ali. Chris tells them that there will be four dates this week – three 1-on-1 dates and one 2-on-1 date. The guys all pull faces and look knowingly at one another like, “Dude…sucks to be you not getting that 1-on-1 date.” Chris also tells the guys that there will be no roses given out on any of the dates this time, which is good news for the guys, but bad news for us. Watching the third wheel get dumped (or abandoned on a glacier) is one of the best parts of this show, but, alas, we’ll have to wait for that until next season.

We get a lot of gorgeous shots of Portugal. I’ve never been, but this episode makes me want to go there. So colorful and such interesting architecture! I had no idea.

The guys settle in to their deluxe apartment in the sky and Ty finds the first Date Card. It’s for Roberto, and it says: “Come be the king of my castle.”

The guys think the date sounds like a romantic fairytale. Immediately we get sound bites of all of them sniping at each other behind the others’ backs. Kirk thinks he’s more compatible with Ali than Roberto is. Chris L. would rather be Ali’s king than have Roberto take that job. For his part, Frank asks Roberto, “What if she just throws you into the dungeon?” Har har, Frank. You’re a screenwriter and THAT’S the best you could come up with?

The First 1-on-1 Date, or “Guys, Can You Get a Room, Please?

Ali arrives at the guys’ room to pick up Roberto for their date. She says, “Welcome to Portugal!” to the guys in Portuguese, and I cringe as the producers yet again want us to believe that Ali is worldly enough to have known how to say this before they fed the line to her. I don’t speak Portuguese, but I’m guessing her pronunciation was as great as the way she has been pronouncing Roberto’s name this whole season.

My fashion radar goes off as I see what she’s wearing. So sad, Ali. Sparkly rainbow-beaded, ill-fitting mini skirt…check. Green tank top that’s too tight in the belly and accentuates the weight that you said you gained during this “journey”…check. Where are the Queer Eye guys when you need them? Total miss.

Ali and Roberto start their date by taking lots of goofy pictures around Lisbon. They ham it up with serious-looking guards who aren’t supposed to talk to them, old statues, around columns. You know…the kinds of shots you took when you were 12, right? In one montage we see them trying to take pictures of each other jumping in midair. Ali captures Roberto perfectly, but in an excellent metaphor for their future sex life Roberto keeps pushing the button too early or too late to make Ali freeze. Either the top of her head is cut off or she’s already landed on the ground. Discuss…

Next they hear music as they walk down the street and Roberto spontaneously grabs Ali and starts to slow dance with her in the middle of the street. “He is SUCH a romantic and it’s SO sexy!” Ali gushes while we see people on the sidewalk staring at them like, “Who the hell are THESE yahoos? And why are they blocking my street?”

They kiss a LOT, which will be a theme throughout this whole date. These two definitely have some physical chemistry going on for sure.

Next they hop on a street car that, for some reason, is totally empty except for them, and we get lots of shots of them cruising by what I assume are famous landmarks around the city. The only information Tour Guide Ali offers at one point is when she announces, “This is the part of the city where you have to kiss me!” and Roberto is more than happy to oblige. We get more making out and more making out and then…oh wait…uh huh..more making out. This is getting gross now.

(Back at the room, the next Date Card is delivered. It’s for the 2-on-1 date, and it’s for Frank and Ty since the producers know Frank is dangling perilously close to “Let’s just get this out in the open right now. I am your stalker. You are mine. No others may have you” right now and it will be fun to watch him squirm in this awkward situation. “Let’s find our future in your past,” the card says and Frank and Ty both make serious expressions and rub their faces a lot. Frank considers Ty to be his biggest competition. I can’t stop staring at Ty’s arms. Did they just double in size since the Turkish bath scenes? Wow…)

Now Roberto and Ali are walking around a castle, another theme of the evening. All of the dates occur in castles. Apparently when you go to Portugal, that’s what you do – tour castles. Another theme tonight? Picnics at sunset.

The two plunk themselves down on the top of the castle and eat as they watch the sun set. In yet another look into the future for Ali and Roberto’s sex life, Ali cuts off a piece of sausage, puts it on a raggedy-looking hunk of bread and tells Roberto, “That’s probably the only thing I’ll ever make!” Apparently Ali’s not the cooking type, if you know what I mean. The Lorena Bobbitt reference is totally lost on Roberto.

Roberto says he’s not nervous for the hometown dates…he’s excited. Then they make out some more. Ali says she needs to figure him out and that there’s no way he could be this nice, and then they make out some more. Roberto says he tries to keep things simple, and then they make out some more. Ali swoons with her chin resting on her hand, says, “You amaze me!”, and then they make out some more. Roberto answers back, “I feel lucky when you say things like that. You’re beautiful and you’re smart!” and then they make out a LOT more.

As we leave the happy couple on top of the castle eating raggedy bread at sunset, we get a voiceover of Ali saying, “I thought he was too good to be true…(Now) I’m realizing he could be the one for me!” They finally fade out to the commercial, and it’s none too soon for me. I put the DVR on pause and hop into the shower to rinse off that whole disgusting 15-minute make-out fest we were just subjected to. I mean really, guys. I’m all for romance on the top of a castle, but those tongue baths were just plain disgusting.

The 2-on-1 Date, or “I’m Strong to the Finish Cuz I Eats Me Spinach

We come back to the show and see Ali standing next to another helicopter. Yet another tired theme this season. The producers have completely dumped the storyline about Ali being scared of any part of this situation. She stands there confidently as Frank and Ty’s van pulls up. Of course, Frank comes tearing out first like the stalking maniac he is and throws himself into her arms to make sure he makes the first impression. Ty is wearing a kinda gross country western singer cowboy-style shirt with stuff appliquĂ©d all over it. I’m anti-anything that covers up his arms and shoulders, so I hate it…a lot.

Ali sits awkwardly between the two guys as they fly around Portugal and see it all from the air. We get a creepy shot of Frank running the tips of his fingers down the side of Ali’s arm so Ty can’t see. He tells us he can’t do the stuff he really wants to do since Ty is there too. So gross, Frank. Down boy. Ty says he’s “pissed off” that he has to share Ali today and says it will be weird, but “…(I) gotta make the best of it!” Always there with your sunny bumpkin attitude, aren’t you, Ty?

There is one shot where we see their helicopter navigate itself through lots of very tall wind turbines on the side of a mountain. With the camera angle, it looks like certain death is imminent, but we can rest easy as we see them come out unscathed on the other side. As I said in an earlier posting, I think it would be very creative one year to have something really go horribly wrong on one of these “adventure” dates. “And the helicopter crashed into the turbine, killing all aboard.” Cut to a shot of a shredded rose dying. And…fade to black.

They land near a castle and Tour Guide Ali announces to them both, “Welcome to Oviedos!” She tells them that this castle was a gift from a king to his queen named Isabella. They hike up a big hill (since I’m guessing that when they built this castle centuries ago they didn’t factor in space for a helipad). As they hike, Ty suddenly stops and touches Frank’s arm. “Look!” he whispers, and points down the hillside to a deer. I think it’s funny that Ty decided to stop and touch Frank and not run up to stop and touch Ali instead. Man Code, dude.

I was so bummed by this part of the show because in the previews for this week (before Jake and Vienna hogged all of the spotlight) we saw a scene where Ali, Frank, and Ty are sitting out on some sort of patio sipping wine and having the longest, most awkward silences ever recorded for television. Go look on my “After the Rose” page for the clip. It’s hilarious and so cringe-worthy, you’ll most likely want to turn it off before it’s done.

But since Jakey Boy needed all of the time this week, the producers cut that scene out and instead fast-forward to the trio sitting down to dinner at sunset. Right off the bat, we see something is wrong with Ali. She’s out of sorts and the guys ask her about what’s up. She keeps saying that she’s “in a weird place” and neither guy gets that she’s most likely PMS’ing right now, so back off. This scene has its share of awkward pauses and uncomfortable glances to the floor, so all is not lost.

Ali says she has lots of questions for them both, but can’t ask them in front of the other guy. We know how bad the date must be going when we see that the three of them are actually eating the food in front of them. This almost never happens, and it is a testament to the overwhelming sense of unease and general “Is it over yet?” that infuses this entire scene. All they discuss is how bad and awkward this date is, which just adds to everyone’s misery.

Ali finally decides to pull Ty aside for some alone time, and he says the most bizarre line of this entire episode. As he gets up from the table he turns to Frank and says, “Stay away from my spinach!” Huh? What was up with that? Is he accusing Frank of trying to poison his food? Do all the guys know that Frank can’t control himself around Portuguese spinach? Is he worried Frank will turn into Popeye? What gives here? Very odd thing to say, indeed.

Ty and Ali go sit on a stone staircase and follow up with their discussion from last time about gender roles, tradition, and how both may have contributed to Ty’s divorce. At one point in this scene, someone walks between their lighting and their faces and casts a huge shadow over the whole scene and I feel sorry for that person because you just know they got their butt fired in Portugal. Try explaining THAT one to the next reality show you apply to, huh?

Ty hopes Ali can meet his family, but she wants to know what his family, and in particular his mom, would think about her. Ty answers back with a lame, “If I’m satisfied, they’re gonna be satisfied.” Which is a total lie since Ty’s mom most likely wants Ali barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen like she apparently was. Then he tells Ali that he’s fine with her having a career. “I want someone who wants something…I think it’s awesome that you have ambitions…It tickles me to death that you have a plan…that you know what you want…” which is pretty sad that Ty thinks having ambitions is something you need to compliment someone on. Speaks volumes about the caliber of ladies in HIS life, huh? It’s also pretty sad that he uses the phrase “tickled to death”. Since when is Ali dating my great-aunt Penelope?

After they talk, Ty says he feels “ten times better” about his relationship with Ali now, but we know the writing is on the wall because they have not kissed once this entire time. “She really understood what I was talking about,” he tells us, but we know that all she really understood is that Ty likes his ladies barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen no matter how much he tries to dance around that.

(Back at the hotel, the Date Card arrives for the next 1-on-1 date. It’s for Kirk and it says, “Once upon a time…Ali” In his typical style, Kirk notices that the card isn’t even written in a complete sentence. Poor Kirk. Ali couldn’t even be bothered with a subject and a predicate for him. Chris L. tells us that he thinks Kirk is not the right guy for Ali, and then tells Kirk to his face, “Well, Cinderella, we need to get you ready for the ball!” Ah…the two-facedness of the characters on this show. Gotta love it!

Now Ali is back for her alone time with Frank. Presumably Ty is back at the dinner table eating the coveted spinach leaves from heaven.

Frank and Ali are sitting under a big, up-lit tree that doesn’t seem to have any leaves on it. He says he’s very close to his family, and the double entendre isn’t lost on us since we know he lives in their basement, but Ali doesn’t. He tells her that when she visits his family (“…and you’d BETTER come to my house!” he warns) that she will feel like part of the family. They give each other a close-mouthed kiss, but definitely not the spitty, swirly, tongue bath Roberto was giving her earlier.

We tense with anticipation as Frank tells us that the time is now ripe for him to share his news with Ali. He’s going to finally tell her that he lives at home with his folks. And if she has a problem with it, “…that would be bad for us…” he says. Um, yeah, Frank. REALLY bad.

In one of the funnier montages of the evening, Frank tells Ali there’s something he needs to say to her. The look of joy and glee in her eyes turns a little darker. Then it gets downright gloomy as Frank takes a long, circuitous path to telling her he lives at home with his folks. By the time he is done spinning his tales of living in Europe, selling his condo, and moving back home, Ali’s eyes have sunk in on themselves.

She masks it well, though, and gives Frank a sympathetic, “Awwww….” and a kiss. He puts his hand up to her face, and there’s the dreaded thumb ring again. C’mon, Frank. Once was enough. You can’t let your digits define your style!

Frank feels so much better after letting out his secret shame. “When I told Ali that I live at home with my parents the look in her eye…she doesn’t care…” Um, Frank, that look was desperation, disappointment, incredulity, and anger at being misled. She kissed you cuz she feels sorry for you, not because she accepts you. The whole viewing audience saw that. Why couldn’t you?

Next we see a shot of them actually up in the tree that they were sitting under before.  Frank asks Ali, “Would you live in a tree with me? Let’s live in a tree!” and Ali is bummed because she thought she already dumped the Mountain Man guy in the first episode. Then they kiss some more, this time more passionately.

Then suddenly and ominously Ali tells Frank, “You’re everything that I said I wanted, but everything I fear,” which of course perks up Frank’s ears a bit. In perfect “I know you are, but what am I?”-form, Frank answers back that whatever fears she has about him he probably has about her too.

They finish the date with Ali telling us, “I don’t care where Frank lives…” except they probably edited out the part where she finished that sentence with, “…unless it’s in his parents’ basement.” Things aren’t looking so good for Frank right now.

The Second 1-on-1 Date, or “Kirk’s Cold Castle Caper

Ali starts off her date with Kirk by announcing that she is yet again a little pre-occupied today. Poor Kirk. The day hasn’t even started yet and already Ali is Debbie Downer.

They meet outdoors and hug as some random local woman in sunglasses stares at them from behind. “My heart beats a little faster when I’m with her!” Kirk enthuses.

They go to an outdoor cafĂ© and sip beer out of tall, thin glasses. Kirk says he’s a little nervous, but in a good way. Kirk is definitely the twitchiest of the guys left. He seems nervous all the time and says “like” almost every other word. Ali keeps telling us that it’s an important week for her, but she doesn’t know what’s wrong with herself. She has SO MUCH on her mind.

As they chat, a horse and carriage pulls up next to them. “I think this is our ride!” Ali chirps and they get in, this time armed with glasses of white wine to sip during the ride. We get lots of aerial shots of the two of them wheeling around the city. “Ali makes me want to be right next to her cuddled up, “ Kirk says. “It feels good to be with Ali. I’m in such a good place right now for me, like, for this…It puts my entire life into perspective.” Poor Kirk. He’s one of those characters on this show who is falling in love with the idea of falling in love, but has no concept of what he’s talking about. Battling a serious illness and winning like he did? THAT’S something that puts your life into perspective, I would imagine. Riding in a carriage with a girl who is dating four other guys? Not so much.

They come around a corner and a gorgeous, colorful castle is revealed to them. “That’s insane!” Ali yells, much like Isabella did to Ferdinand back in the day.

It truly is a beautiful building with (sorry to use this word) amazing views. They walk around a bit so we can see all of the architecture, and then Kirk makes us feel even more sorry for him when he says, “I’m not used to this. I’m not used to being with someone like you.” This is the same line Ali keeps spouting to Roberto, and what it basically translates to is, “I know you wouldn’t give me a second look in the outside world, so I’m going to just enjoy any scintilla of attention you give me right now so that no other relationship can ever come close to this moment and my entire dating life from here on forward will be forever ruined.”

Kirk can sense that Ali has a lot on her mind. “I feel like her mind’s wandering a little bit,” he tells us. Ali pushes the point home big time when she lets out a huge, forlorn sigh from out of nowhere. Now we’re REALLY feeling sorry for ol’ Kirk. Why does he have to deal with moping Ali? In keeping with tonight’s theme, we start to see the sun set around them, and we know a picnic must not be far off.

Next we see them standing and leaning on a wall, a bit windblown, Ali with a blanket wrapped around her. Kirk tells her that he hasn’t brought home a girl to meet his folks in three years. “It’s a big step for me…” he tells her. Ali is still looking forlornly at the ground and not really responding to much Kirk says. What’s her deal tonight?

Kirk thinks she’s nervous, but she just tells him that she has a lot on her mind. “Obviously, my date with Kirk isn’t going as well as I thought it would,” Ali tells us. She knows that the guys are seeing her stress and worry. “It’s hard to make sense of it all,” she says. Poor Ali. So lost, confused, and adrift on a castle next to a guy who would lick the wax behind your ears off for you if you’d let him.

Now it’s nighttime and Ali says she has planned for the two of them to eat dinner on top of the castle together. Because that’s how Ali rolls on this show. What she wants, she makes happen, and it has nothing to do with the producers and their flunkies setting it all up in advance. However it got set up, there are candles and twinkly lights and up-lit walls in the background. All signature marks of the Bachelorette.

I notice right off the bat that they have changed clothes. So apparently old Portuguese castles don’t have helipads, but do have changing rooms. Making a mental note of that right now. Ali starts off the dinner conversation by apologizing to Kirk: “Thank you for bearing with me today.” Kirk, like, answers, like, back that, like, he was, like, worried, that like, she was, like, holding back. Then Ali lays it out on the table and asks him, “Do you feel that you’ll start feeling the way you did in your past relationships? I worry that I won’t be good enough for you one day.”

Kirk answers that he’s not falling for the idea of her or the concept of love. He genuinely cares about her. Then he finally wises up and talks about how being so ill put his life into perspective. There y’go, Kirk. I knew you could, like, do it! He feels like he is now deserving of love and happiness and this whole experience with her. She leans in and kisses him and then they kiss some more.

“I feel like I’m on the right track!” Ali tells us. A smooch from Kirk is all it takes, huh Ali?

(Back at the hotel room, the final Date Card is delivered for Chris L’s 1-on-1 date. “Love gets better with age!” the card says, and one of the other guys points out that Chris is the oldest guy there. Woah, dude! Low blow! We find out that Chris’s date with Ali is the same day as the next Rose Ceremony, which could be good or bad. For his part, Ty leans back with his strong, thick trunks of arms behind his head and tells Chris, “Maybe something happens and you don’t come back. I’ll write you, though.” Such a hot-armed charmer, that Ty.)

Back on her date with Kirk, Ali has now led him out to what looks like a plaza with some stairs coming down. On the stairs two men are playing traditional Portuguese fado music with an older woman next to them singing mournfully. Doesn’t get much more symbolic than that, Kirk, right? Can you say “writing is on the wall for your and Ali’s time together?” According to the teaser on my Comcast, this is a famous group of musicians who I, yet again, have never heard of before.

They kiss some more while the musicians play, and Ali says, “The emotional connection we have is so rare,” and I’m wondering how she pulled that line out of her butt. She hasn’t emotionally connected with any guy on tonight’s episode, much less poor Kirk. As the date fades out, I notice that Kirk is wearing a canary yellow shirt, so maybe all is not lost for our boy from Wisconsin.

The Final 1-on-1 Date of the Night, or “Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow

We come back from commercial and see shots of the beautiful coastline of Portugal. Apparently, Ali and Chris L. are headed somewhere beachy. Ali tells us she’s nervous about Chris because she’s “…been dating him as a friend, but we’re not getting to the relationship level as fast as (I’d) like. I just can’t see myself visiting his family if he can’t open up and move forward.” I guess it’s a good thing that Ali is laying it all out on the line like that, but I feel bad for Chris, who’s all gung-ho about today’s date: “I’m going on a date with Ali! As long as it doesn’t involve oil wrestling or that stupid horse in Iceland who I hate, then I’m good.” Line of the night, hands down. Who knew that Debbie Downer could have sucked so much of the life out of Kirk, that he would have to give up his title of “Line of the Night” to Chris?

Ali shows him that they will be riding on a scooter for today’s date and Chris is a bit apprehensive since he’s never been on one before. Of course the producers start up the music that makes it seem like Chris is a bumbling idiot as they strap on their helmets and take off. “I can’t be the dude that kills the bachelorette. That’s not gonna look good!” he tells us. Another Line of the Night from Chris L.!

We see shots of them weaving slowly around the streets and Chris putt-putting them along the road very slowly. “Chris was going pretty slow on the scooter. Sorta like our relationship,” Ali tells us. I’m sure Chris loved hearing this in the playback last night. Ali also says, though, that she gets why Chris is taking life slowly. He just lost his mom, she reminds us, and he’s been through a lot.

Now they stop and it’s Ali’s turn to drive. “We’re not getting anywhere we need to be quite as fast as I’d like to! It’s time I sit in the driver’s seat and take this relationship to the next level!” she yells as they race by. And of course she’s a speed demon whooping it up and racing down the road while Chris holds on for dear life. He says that Ali told him to just lean with her, and he says, “I’m like, ‘Yes dear!’ I just trusted her.”

They sit down to a picnic and he tells us he came into this whole thing more guarded than most of the other guys. He tells Ali that he’s sarcastic with his brothers, and then Ali asks him what his mom was like. He lists off a bunch of very nice qualities and starts to well up a bit. The producers play sad music as he finishes his list with, “People just liked being around her.” Ali responds with, “People like being around YOU!” and we all collectively barf.

At the end of the picnic, Ali says she can feel Chris’s walls coming down, but she’s worried that it’s too little to late. Chris again slowly drives them to their next destination, ducking out of the way of some wisteria that’s growing in the middle of the lane they are traveling.

They go back and forth with sappy stuff to each other, but what this next scene basically boils down to is that Chris finally “opens up” (whatever THAT means), and Ali now all of a sudden feels more connected to him. Chris wants to show her off back at home and gets all wide-eyed talking about it.

Next we get a shot of them holding hands and then a very funny shot of Chris and the back part of his hair is sticking straight up. Doesn’t this show have a hair person to fix that after he whips off his helmet but before they start taping this scene? Poor Chris. Sportin’ the avoidable “hair don’t” on national TV.

At this point in the date, Chris thinks it’s finally time to give Ali a gift that he brought for her. He tells the story of a family friend his dad would go to and have things made for his mom. Chris had a bracelet made for Ali by this guy, and he slips it on her wrist. I know there are such things as tennis bracelets, but I’m pretty sure Chris calls this a “Dennis bracelet” since the guy who made it is named Dennis.

Ali coos and “Awww’s!” over it and Chris mentions about 4000 times that he’s glad it fits. Ali responds with 4000 “I love its!” They cuddle and kiss and Chris tells her, “You make me feel all warm inside. What does that mean?” and we sadly realize that Chris may need a little primer lesson in hormones and sex. Chris, when the girl you like gets all cuddly and romantic and you feel warm inside, it’s not that tough to figure out what’s going on in your mind whether you’re aware of it or not.

They finish the date with Chris pulling down two handfuls of wisteria petals and giving them to Ali to throw in the air for some reason. “The walls finally came down and he opened up to me!” Ali says excitedly, like being given a bracelet made by a guy named Dennis was the answer to her prayers. “Chris would make an amazing husband!”

They roll around on the grass a bunch and make out. “This is a really good day!” Ali says, and we know that Chris is back in her good graces.

The Rose Ceremony, or “Git Along Little Dogie

We come back to shots of pouring rain. Chris Harrison meets Ali’s limo and escorts her into the building where the Rose Ceremony will take place.

The producers have yet again skipped the pre-ceremony cocktail party, this time in favor of Jake and Vienna. We come back to the guys standing nervously and waiting for Ali. She’s upstairs in a room with their photos and going on and on about something I tuned out, but that I’m sure had to do with making the toughest decision she’s ever had to make.

Chris L. has no tie on again tonight, but I don’t catch a glimpse of his shoes to see if he’s sporting the Nikes again or not. For her part, Ali has on a super cute dress with an interesting horizontal geometric pattern. Something about it is very 70s to me. Finally a good party dress on Ali!

In a very bad purple splotchy tie, Chris Harrison reminds the guys that one of them will be going home tonight, and that the others will be bringing Ali home to meet their families. Um, duh, Chris. I think that point has been brought up on every date so far tonight.

We get faked sounds of thunder in the background as Ali enters the room for her final decision. “This week has been amazing. I’m really glad I got a lot of time with each of you!” she tells them in her vapid way.

The first rose of course goes to Chris L. since he gave her jewelry. The next rose goes to Frank and when she asks him if he will accept it, he again answers with her name: “Of course, Ali.” Creepo. Ty still looks confident.

Roberto scores the next rose, and we all breathe a sigh of relief as the two of them just hug each other. No further showers needed tonight. Ty is looking less cocky now. Kirk looks worried. It’s down to the two of them.

After a dramatic pause, Ali gives the final rose to…Kirk! Ty is out. Ty sucks his lips (a sure sign of defeat on this show) and looks down at the ground. Kirk hugs Ali for too long and makes the whole moment a bit awkward.

Now Ty is nodding his head like he knew this would be the outcome all along. Way to save face, Ty. He hugs Ali and we notice that he has a big, black, ugly thing growing under his thumbnail. Ew.

Ali walks him outside in the rain. He doesn’t want her to follow him out since she’ll get soaked, but she doesn’t care. She gives him her best faux look of concern as she tells him she really does like him but never really tells him why she dumped him. She puts him in the limo and the producers have her stand out in the rain and look forlorn again.

In the back seat interview, Ty tells us that he really thought he was the perfect guy for her and that he was sure he was going to be able to take her home to meet his family. “I’m kinda really lost right now,” he tells the camera. “What do you do from here?” Then he gets angry and says, “I’m pissed off because she made a wrong choice and I hope she realizes that.” At the end of each line, the producers cut back to Ali, still standing alone forlornly in the pouring rain watching Ty being driven away.

They finally call her in, and as she walks back up the stairs to go back inside, I notice that she’s been holding a piece of paper this whole time. What was that? Notes to remind herself about which guy to dump? Lines the producers fed her to say to Ty after the dumping? The paper must not have been THAT important if she stood out in the pouring rain with it, right? But enquiring minds still want to know.

So this week we bid a fond farewell to Tennessee Ty. Hopefully he and Ella from Jake’s season can meet up at Sea World and have a few laughs.

Now that the most boring episode ever is over with, it’s time to get to the main event. After the break, they’ll be back with the highly anticipated interview with Jake and Vienna, and we can’t wait!

Jake and Vienna’s Interview, or “The Main Event

So the producers have hyped this for the last week. Jake and Vienna just had a very public break-up and rumors and accusations from both sides have been flying. All week long we’ve been building up to this interview, and I have to admit that I was rolling my eyes at it all. Nothing on this show ever lives up to the hype generated about it beforehand. Boy was I wrong! I have to say that this interview MORE than lived up to the hype! Awesome doesn’t even come close to describing it. Let’s dive in to all of the nasty details.

Chris Harrison starts off by telling us how sad everyone at the show feels about this sorry state of affairs when what they are really thinking is, “Ka-ching! Ka-ching!” He says that Jake and Vienna are going to make a “…hopeful attempt to find closure to this failed love affair.”

He brings out Jake, and I immediately notice that Jake has one too many buttons undone on his shirt. Also, why does Jake get alone time with Chris but Vienna doesn’t? That doesn’t seem fair. And while we’re wondering aloud at stuff, where is this being filmed? Is this the mansion the guys lived in this season? Why are they out at the pool? Odd.

Chris lets it drop a few times that he just had dinner with Jake and Vienna a few weeks ago and that they seemed fine. We all feel sad for Chris that he can’t find anyone better to eat dinner with than Jake and Vienna.

Jake says the relationship has been going downhill for quite a long time. He’s in a confused emotional state and can’t even fathom why Vienna would go to the tabloids like she did and blindside him with all of her lies. Boo hoo…poor Jakey Boy.

Chris asks Jake if he’s ready to do this, and then brings out Vienna. The tension is palpable as she hugs Chris, not Jake, and then has to sit down in a little loveseat next to Jake. Her body is tilted away from him, she keeps flicking her hair, and she’s doing that “I have my legs crossed but I’m going to bob the top one up and down nervously” thing going on.

Chris asks her what went wrong and she answers that things were fine the first month (“He was crazy about me!”), but then things started changing. The way Jake was with her out in public was totally different from the way he was with her at home. He was gone a lot and she felt lonely. She wanted him around to talk to and to kiss like in a normal relationship.

Chris challenges her on some lines he read in the tabloids where Vienna claims that Jake subjected her to “mental, emotional, (and) verbal abuse”. She says that Jake has anger issues, but she wouldn’t say he’s dangerous. So far, this interview is pretty lightweight and tame. No specifics yet. But just wait!

Next, Vienna says that there was no emotion between them. She had to ask him to kiss her. He was “…emotionally and physically not there with me.” she says. The thought runs through my mind that maybe Jake is gay after all? That rumor came up way back when he was on Jillian’s season, and what Vienna is saying about him not wanting to be physical certainly seems to back all of that up, huh? Of course it could also be that Vienna is just an all-around unappealing person in almost every way. But then why did Jake choose her in the first place? Who knows?

Chris asks her why she took all of this to the tabloids, and her only response is that if she hadn’t done it, Jake would have done it first. She wanted to make sure she had a voice. Weak argument, Vienna.

Jake responds back that he did try with the relationship. He thought things would be different, but they just kept getting worse and worse. At one point he turns angrily to Vienna and shouts, “I’m so mad at you…disgusted at you! You sold me out to a magazine for payment and then flirted with me all weekend (via text)!” GASP! What?! This is getting good now…

She says she didn’t text him, but he says he has the texts saved to prove it. He says he’ll get to her lying in a minute. She calls him a “fame whore” (isn’t that the name of Lady Gaga’s next album?) and tells him she was at a fundraiser at a hospital as part of her new job. “At least I was pursuing a career in something!” she retorts.

Next they go into the subject of careers. She claims that even though Jake says he’s a pilot, he hasn’t flown in over a year. He responds back with a vacant expression and says he just flew last weekend. Those of you who followed last season know that they built Jake up to be a commercial pilot, but he really owned a limo company and flew his own little plane once in a while. I believe Vienna on this one.

Then Vienna tells us that when her dog was sick in the hospital with IVs coming out of her (You remember this dog, right? The one she dresses up and takes out to dinner?) all Jake could say was, “I’m so sorry your dog is so spoiled. (You) can only maintain one relationship at a time!” Jake says he never said that. Vienna calls him a liar.

She says he never talked to her family and then asks him how many times he called her dad. He doesn’t answer the question and instead says that she’s been busy having flings with other men.

“You are the biggest, fake liar!” Vienna yells at him. She says that there was never any infidelity or cheating on her part during the relationship. Jake says some guy gave an interview that he hooked up with Vienna. “I don’t hardly know that guy!” she answers. “Well he seems to know you!” Jake answers back.

Next Jake calls her out on some guy who was in her apartment with her when he called her once. Vienna says that they guy’s name was Todd and that he’s gay. Todd was there to drop off a dress for a charity event that Vienna was going to be attending. “Jake is jealous of a gay guy,” Vienna tells Chris. Jake stays silent.

Vienna next suggests that Jake should take a polygraph test, but she goes all rogue Southern bumpkin on us and calls it a “poly-a-graph test”. She goes on to say that she moved out to LA to be with Jake and that she had no money and no car. Jake says he won’t do a “he said/she said” thing. Chris tells us we need to break for commercial.

Round One most definitely goes to Vienna here. She stood up for herself, leveled direct accusations at Jake that he never answered, and countered everything he threw at her with logical, reasonable answers. Jake is coming off as an emotionless automaton here. He’d better find his mojo after the commercial!

We’re back now and Vienna tells Chris that yes, she did get paid for her interview, but that it wasn’t anything like $90,000. He asks her why she went into so many intimate details in the magazine interview and she answers back that she wanted people to know the real reasons the relationship didn’t work. That seems reasonable for a couple who has lived their entire life as a couple on the public eye.

Chris goes all Dr. Phil on them and asks what it was about the other one that they loved when Jake first proposed. They both list off lots of great qualities, but Vienna turns it negative and says all of those qualities went away and that he didn’t care or try.

Vienna then claims that they have broken up twice and that she’s given his ring back twice. Jake tells her she was free to leave and then tells Chris that she used to play a game of breaking up. She’d take the ring off and run into the bathroom and he’d have to follow her.

Chris then asks about Jake’s time on Dancing with the Stars. Vienna says she supported him because he wanted to do it but that every night he’d just come home and Twitter and ignore her. “We were never together,” she laments. Chris asks about the last dance they got to dance together when Jake got booted off the show and she says she liked it because it was time spent together. Jake fires back with, “Because it got you on TV!”

Vienna says she doesn’t want this life in the cameras all the time. She has a new job that she interviewed for and got. She calls it a “real job in marketing” for a charity that helps kids with cancer. Chris and Jake both call her on why she is staying in LA if she wants to be away from the cameras. Why not go back home to avoid it all? She answers back that everybody back home has turned their backs on her and that she doesn’t want to go back to that environment.

Chris and Jake have a point here. It’s pretty obvious Vienna is staying in LA for the fame opportunities. She can’t call Jake out on that and not say she’s doing it too, right? I’m glad she’s helping kids with cancer, but I’m willing to bet that the first casting director who comes to call will have Vienna eagerly waiting on his doorstep in no time at all.

Vienna says she broke up with Jake over the phone and that she has a witness who was sitting right next to her when she did it. Jake tries to respond, but Vienna keeps interrupting him. “Be quiet while I’m talking!” he snaps at her.

Chris asks Jake, “How can you get sick of someone in six months? How does everything go away?” and Jake slams Vienna by answering, “What guy in America would ever want to be intimate with a woman who undermines him? Emasculates?”

Now Vienna’s pissed. She wants specific examples from Jake about how she did those things. He says that one time when he had already given Vienna directions, she used the GPS to look it up anyway. That’s supposed to be undermining? I don’t see it, Jake. Vienna adds that after she used the GPS, Jake ripped it off the visor and threw it angrily in the back seat. This dude definitely has some anger management issues coming out now.

Another example Jake gives of the undermining is when he measured out their bedroom to see how all the furniture would fit, but then Vienna had the audacity to re-measure it and suggest the bed be moved so a chest of drawers could open all the way. Sucks to be proven wrong by the most hated woman in America, doesn’t it Jake?

All the while, Vienna keeps interrupting what he is saying and inserting her own one-liners to show him why he’s wrong and a liar. “You’re getting 40% of the truth,” Jake says at one point, which means that Vienna isn’t lying about everything. That makes you look bad, Jake.

In one of the juicier exchanges of the evening, Vienna talks about what the excuses were for Jake not wanting to be intimate: saving himself for marriage? Fasting? It seems like he used a lot of excuses with her for why he never did the deed. Hmmm…the gay theory is ringing a bit truer now. But, then again, so is the “Who would want to be intimate with the most hated woman in America?” theory.

Vienna accuses Jake of treating her like a child, bringing her to LA, and stuffing her in an apartment. He counters back with, “She breaks me down…She’s mean…She’s always right…I never do anything right…”

Chris asks Vienna if she thinks Jake will ever find love, and she of course answers, “Absolutely not!” Jake tells Chris that he’s sure he doesn’t want a selfish woman on his next go-around at love.

Then Chris loses control of the conversation and it devolves into some classic “he said/she said” stuff about flying Vienna’s dog to LA only once (“But it wasn’t potty trained!” Jake says.) “I left everything to support you!” Vienna wails.

Chris gets control again and asks Vienna if there’s anything she wants to apologize to Jake for. She stares daggers into Jake and then apologizes for going to the tabloids. “…but I know you and I knew you would do it if I didn’t!”

Jake is trying to talk now, but Vienna keeps on interjecting things and interrupting him. He finally can’t take it anymore and shouts, “PLEASE stop interrupting me!” and makes an angry gesture.

Vienna is done now. She gets up, shouts, “You’re the meanest person I’ve ever met in my life!” and stomps out of the scene and back into the mansion like a four-year-old who’s just been told she can’t have a pony. The heavy guy from past episodes is there to greet her and follow her into another room where we can hear her sobbing, “I want to go home! He’s so mean to me!”

And as we cut to the next commercial, Round Two most definitely goes to Vienna again. She had the specifics and the dramatics and worked both. Jake is still coming off as lifeless and unfeeling. He’s showing no remorse or even one iota of emotional upset right now. His face is just dead and frozen. Even if she’s faking it all, at least Vienna is trying here.

We come back from commercial and Vienna is still not there. “What just happened here?” Chris wants to know. “Unfortunately, that’s what one of our arguments looks like,” Jake answers. “It’s kinda embarrassing.”

The interview ends with Jake telling Chris, “I have never been in a relationship where I’ve raised my voice. I feel bad for doing that. You just can’t get a word in…This is what’s wrong. Somehow we lost each other along the way.” Chris signs us off, but not before we get a few shots of Jake’s self-satisfied smirk like he won tonight.

I have to say that as much as I dislike Vienna, she definitely came out the clear victor in this whole match-up. I actually ended up really liking her a lot at the end, so whatever wool she pulled over my eyes worked. Even if this whole interview was all an act, Jake didn’t do a very good job countering any of her questions or arguments and mostly just sat there looking angry and/or lost. I never liked him much either, but after tonight I have totally written him off.

In the end, this interview was actually pretty compelling for being based on a fake reality show. It gave us a small glimpse into what life must be like “After the Rose”. It must not be easy, but I rest easier knowing these people all signed up for this fully knowing they would be splashed out on every magazine and newspaper this side of Lesbian Lisbon.

And the saddest part of this whole thing? It was just announced today that Ed and Jillian have just split up. Do you think it will come to this for them too? Will Ed bring back his mankini? We wait with baited breath to find out…

Previews, or “You Have WHAT in Your Garage?!

After all of that drama, there still were previews for the rest of the season. Most of them were ones we already saw last week: Ali freaks out in Kirk’s dad’s taxidermy garage. Frank has something important to tell Ali in Tahiti (but tonight we get to see him knocking on the door of and hugging a brunette! GASP!), Roberto is looking all clean cut and cute in a baseball uniform, and Chris L.’s dad looks like a cute guy with some personality.

Closing Credits, or ”Paws off MY Food!”

While the credits roll, we see Roberto and Ali back on their date. We’re not really sure what part of the date this is since we saw them eating a picnic outside during the show and now they are inside sitting on a couch with big plates of food on the coffee table in front of them. Bad editing here, guys. This must have been yet another part of the date that got pre-empted for Jake and Vienna.

They both watch as a cat (A cat?! From where? How did THAT get in there!?) puts his paws up on the table and starts licking at Ali’s food. I love how Roberto makes sure to specify that the cat is eating ALI’S food, not his. Nice moves, Roberto. Make sure that it’s your date’s food getting the tongue treatment from a rabies-infested feral cat and not your own food. That way you have more for yourself later! “He’s going to town on that! This is crazy!” Roberto exclaims, like he’s never seen a starving cat chow down as much as it can before being shooed away by a 22-year-old production assistant.

If you made it this far this week, I thank you very much! Please let your friends know about my Facebook page “After the Rose” where I post not only this blog, but lots of other fun tidbits and links. See you next week for the hometown dates!